The one simple message every crybaby snowflake needs to hear: NO, you are not special by default

Every mature person in America is fed up with all the “snowflake” crybullies, whiners and “faux outrage” activists screaming and protesting on cue with blind obedience.

So today, I’ve released a message that every “snowflake” needs to hear:

NO, you are not special by default. You are not remarkable simply for existing. There’s nothing whatsoever that makes you unique when you obediently believe everything the unhinged “consensus” tells you to believe.

Conformity is not diversity. Hatred is not tolerance. Consensus is not fact. (See meme graphic below.)

And no, you are not special by default, and there is nothing between your legs that’s special, either. You’re just the same as everyone else until you start to achieve something worth celebrating by rejecting the mindless obedience of the status quo and start thinking for yourself.

It’s time to tell all the snowflakes how incredibly misguided, intolerant, bigoted and pathetic they really are

In today’s podcast, I explain all this to the “snowflake” who have been brainwashed into thinking that conformity is diversity, and that being “special” means mind-melding with the collectivist hive to think, speak and talk just like everyone else. The most important message these snowflakes need to hear is “NO! You are not unique, you are not special, you are not remarkable and you are not valuable to any free society until you learn to think for yourself.”

Click here to listen to my full podcast at the Health Ranger Report website, or listen below (see iTunes, SoundCloud, YouTube and Vimeo links in the author bio section below this article):
