04/12/2017 / By JD Heyes
The hard Left media is working overtime to retain both audience and credibility in an age when fewer and fewer people trust them, but part of that effort is to double down on a strategy that led to so much mistrust in the first place: Lying.
A new “chart” assembled by the American Council on Science and Health (ACSH), as well as RealClearScience, purports to list websites and media companies that report scientific and health data ‘honestly.’ But the chart contains a number of news and information networks that routinely bury facts, distort the truth and outright lie in order to continue pushing a pro-apologist, pro-industry narrative.
“Not surprising, their funding comes from the who’s-who of energy, agriculture, processed food, pharmaceutical and tobacco corporations including Monsanto, McDonald’s, Coca-Cola and Phillip Morris International,” Infowars reported.
Included in the chart are: Nature, Science, New Scientist, The New York Times, Forbes, Gizmodo, Washington Post, Wired, Slate, Big Think, The Guardian, BBC, Huffington Post, Space.com, TheScientist, Scientific American, The Atlantic, LiveScience, MSN and others. Many of these outlets and news agencies are far-Left purveyors of fake news, as we saw the unmasked during the previous election in favor of Big Pharma donor-recipient Hillary Clinton. (RELATED: Top Eight So-Called “Conspiracy Theories” Over The Past Decade That Turned Out To Be Completely TRUE And Accurate)
Under the “Pure Garbage” category, Infowars, Mercola, Food Babe, and Natural News are among those listed. We are listed, ironically, as “ideologically driven or poor reporting.”
However, based on some claims the ACHS has made, they seem to be the ones who are doing the “poor reporting” without scientific backing. Maybe they should take a good look in the mirror.
The ACSH, which was founded by Elizabeth Whelen in 1978 largely with tobacco industry funding, recently published an article claiming that you should not be feeding your family organic foods. No, really.
The article, headlined, “20 Reasons Not to Feed Your Family Organic,” by David Zaruk, made a number of remarkable claims about organic food. Among them:
— It’s too expensive and of poor quality
— Promotes child labor in Africa (how does growing your own organic food in America promote child labor in Africa, Dave?)
— The organic industry uses unethical lobbying tactics (this is a huge guffaw considering the tens of millions spent by Big Ag and Big Biotech lobbying D.C. every year)
— There’s no difference at all in taste, health or safety.
And so on. Mind you, this is the same ACSH that, as noted by TruthWiki has an interesting history, to say the least.
From Dr. Henry Miller to Jon Entine and from Dr. Gilbert Ross to the “Food Czar” Michael Taylor, the list of industry hacks and cons is long, but very important to the mission of ACHS, which is to instill common sense and faith in processed food and genetically modified organisms in food. …
The American Council on Science and Health is a group of scientists and journalists that report findings of studies done by the companies that manufacture pesticides and the philosophies shared by big business with financial interests at stake in the name of Biotechnology. Financial documents published by Mother Jones show ACSH relies heavily on funding from corporations that shape the GMO conversations that surround unanswered questions and legitimate concerns.
And this is historic. A 1979 People article quotes the then-information director of the Food and Drug Administration as saying, “Whelan just makes blanket endorsements of food additives. Her organization is a sham, an industry front.” Also, the organization today has as one of its advisors Dr. Gilbert Ross, the group’s former medical director, who was once convicted of Medicare fraud and sentenced to 47 months in jail.
The Zaruk article sounds more like a big promotion for Big Ag and Big Biotech than a reliable “news” story. He even claims there is no science supporting claims that pesticides and herbicides are public health hazards, along with GMO foods. That’s absolutely false; there are plenty of studies – replicable, peer-reviewed studies – that demonstrate those very things. In fact, a recently published UN report determined that environmentally damaging pesticides are not necessary in order to grow enough food to feed the planet.
There is also plenty of evidence to suggest that a primary component of many herbicides – atrazine – acts as a “chemical castrator” in certain species, changing or altering their gender. (RELATED: Alex Jones Is Right: Atrazine Herbicide Proven To Be A “Powerful Chemical Castrator” That Turns Male Frogs Into Homosexuals… See The Science)
What’s clear is that the ACSH – and, by association, RealClearScience – are guilty of scamming the public here, not the alternative media.
J.D. Heyes is a senior writer for NaturalNews.com and NewsTarget.com, as well as editor of The National Sentinel.