News & Articles By Mike Adams
By Mike Adams
Why the truth is VILIFIED in our twisted society – stunning video
“In a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”- George Orwell We live in a time of great deceit, where those who dare to utter the most important truths are subject to the most extreme vilification of all. A little more than a month ago, I released a mini-documentary that details this […]
By Mike Adams
Google refuses to provide any evidence to justify blacklisting of Natural News… webmaster guidelines a “black box of total bulls##t”
We’re now five days into Google’s total blacklisting ban of the entire website, and Google still won’t provide us with any real evidence of why we’ve been banned. Sign the White House petition NOW and join 52,000+ other people who denounce Google’s outrageous censorship of Natural News. According to a webmaster tools interface from […]
By Mike Adams
BOMBSHELL investigation: Google an “information dominance” front for the CIA
One of the fascinating things that’s happening as a side effect of Natural News being blacklisted by Google is that thousands of people are contacting us with information about the hidden history of Google. As we are coming to discover, Google isn’t an innocent, friendly search engine created to help humanity… it’s actually an extension […]
By Mike Adams
#SaveNaturalNews buttons, banners and petition released… join the movement to protect speech and defeat Google’s politically motivated censorship
As the censorship onslaught against Natural News continues to be waged by Google and the deep state, a massive outpouring of support is building momentum across the ‘net to speak up for Natural News and the Health Ranger. SIGN THIS WHITE HOUSE PETITION NOW to demand the federal government investigate Google’s monopolistic violations of speech […]
By Mike Adams
With outrageous censoring of Natural News, Google now becomes the internet’s #1 BULLY and pusher of hate speech… #SaveNaturalNews
Google’s outrageous censorship of Natural News continues, all part of a coordinate campaign to assassinate my character, silence the Natural News website and empower the voices of those pharma-funded critics who have been relentlessly attempting to shut down Natural News for years. SIGN THIS WHITE HOUSE PETITION NOW to demand a federal government investigation into […]
By Mike Adams
GOOGLE CENSORSHIP BOMBSHELL: Supposed Natural News “violation” of Google webmaster rules also found running on Google’s own Blogspot network!
As the whole world is rapidly discovering, Google completely blacklisted the Natural News website two days ago, de-listing 140,000+ pages of content in the internet’s most outrageous example of a politically motivated silencing of free speech. In order to justify the censorship of the entire Natural News website, Google has cited an obscure technical rule […]
By Mike Adams
White House petition launched to end Google’s outrageous and malicious censorship of independent journalism
As part of our epic battle against Google’s outrageous censorship of the entire website, we’ve launched a White House petition. Sign it at this link and share with everyone. Use the hashtag #SaveNaturalNews in your tweets to help spread the message. With this petition, we hope to alert President Trump to the extremely disturbing […]
By Mike Adams
Public trust in Google COLLAPSING as millions of natural health readers discover the search engine is censoring Natural News
Google’s insidious censorship of the entire website has set off a firestorm of outrage across the independent media, with a wave of readers expressing astonishment and disgust at Google’s indiscriminate banning of the entire website for no justifiable reason. (They are now claiming a “violation of Webmaster Guidelines” which could mean anything they […]
By Mike Adams
Beyond fake news… How Google just became FAKE SEARCH by blacklisting independent journalism
You’ve already heard about FAKE NEWS, the mainstream media’s repeated fabrication of false facts portrayed as real. Who can forget the Washington Post’s ridiculous fabrication of a “Russian conspiracy theory” that claimed Natural News and 200 other independent websites were secretly run by the Kremlin? In just the last 10 days, in fact, five major […]
By Mike Adams
GOOGLE blacklists Natural News… removes 140,000 pages from its index… “memory holes” Natural News investigative articles on vaccines, pharma corruption, fraudulent science and more
Late last week, I received a direct threat that warned if I did not take steps to destroy Alex Jones and InfoWars, I would be targeted for destruction in a campaign of smears, censorship and defamation. Instead of giving in to the enemy, I refused to take the bait and went public with details of […]
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