News & Articles By Lance D Johnson
By Lance D Johnson
Australian mandatory mask propagandists EXPOSED in major medical journal
Following in the footsteps of communist China, the Australian government adopted some of the most totalitarian approaches to “public health” – threatening human rights and experimenting on populations through coercion and force. Back in July of 2020, the Victoria Department of Health and Human Services ordered all residents to wear face masks outside their home, […]
By Lance D Johnson
TOTAL FRAUD: CDC allows hospitals to classify dead vaccinated people as “unvaccinated deaths”
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have devised a set of rules pertaining to the classification of infectious disease and death. Hospitals and laboratories are required to follow these rules and report official covid-19 data based on these rules. It appears that these rules were designed in a way to conceal the number […]
By Lance D Johnson
Is the mainstream media beginning to turn against failed covid vaccines?
There are signs that the mainstream media is starting to fracture on the issue of “safe and effective covid vaccines.” Some of the loudest vaccine-worshipers are beginning to question whether this experimental mRNA interference is actually “safe and effective.” In just eight months, there have been hundreds of thousands of reported vaccine injuries and tens […]
By Lance D Johnson
Facebook tries to “save face” by exonerating the “Disinformation Dozen” who are internationally censored, slandered, defamed for telling the truth about vaccine injuries
Shadowy international forces seek to use Facebook as a means to establish official narratives and control what people can read across the social media network. After spending years adjusting algorithms to remove “fake news” and “misinformation,” Facebook’s upper echelon of fact checkers, information controllers, and narrative pushers have admittedly overplayed their hand in the war […]
By Lance D Johnson
Vaccine-pimping US Surgeon General proclaims Americans have “no right” to spread “disinformation,” which means anything the regime doesn’t like
US Surgeon General Vivek Murthy is on a mission to eradicate quality information about health that could help people make an informed choice about their healthcare. Murthy is participating in a wider criminal conspiracy to deprive the public of important, life-saving medical information surrounding the issue of vaccination and natural immunity. Murthy believes that the […]
By Lance D Johnson
Mainstream media and government PURPOSELY broke promises on vaccines, herd immunity and “getting back to normal” to achieve population control
Over the past decade, the mainstream media has eradicated almost every real investigative journalist, and now these networks amplify scripted narratives to advance specific agendas. The mainstream media has become an echo chamber of absurdity — a tool of propaganda used to exploit human psychology. This psychological warfare has never been more obvious over the […]
By Lance D Johnson
CDC propaganda reaches hilarious new low as VETERINARIAN posts scripted warning about her “hospital” being full of covid patients
There seems to be no end to the CDC’s propaganda and control, as it proliferates every aspect of society, causing perpetual hysteria, loss of civil liberties and medical ethics. Yet for over a year, social media platforms have adopted CDC propaganda as doctrine, punishing scientific inquiry and censoring topics like informed consent, infection treatment, vaccine […]
By Lance D Johnson
The genocide continues through the vaccines, as the CDC scrambles to deceive the public
In just a few months, the CDC has disclosed 118,902 adverse reactions and 3,848 deaths following covid-19 vaccination. Since its inception, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) has never seen such an enormous spike in vaccine injury reports. Since December 2020, the total deaths recorded following experimental COVID injections is more than the recorded […]
By Lance D Johnson
Facebook arrogantly FACT CHECKED a woman’s death, refuting her self-reported vaccine injuries
According to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), the experimental covid-19 vaccines are causing illness, injury and death at an overwhelming pace, unlike any other vaccine on the market. However, the vaccine manufacturers have already contracted with governments to be exempt from legal liability. The vaccine industry is allowed to market and sell their […]
By Lance D Johnson
Conservatives and Trump supporters who get censored are being accused of spreading “disinformation” for speaking up about the abuse
Trump supporters, conservatives, and independent media, are all unilaterally being censored, blocked, banned, and demonetized online. Anyone who doesn’t fall in line with the authoritarian democrats, the technocrat elites, and their globalist allies is being removed from social media, shamed for their political views, and told to never speak about censorship and social media bias. […]
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