News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
Now the SCIENCE is SETTLED: Top 6 LIES about the Covid-19 gene therapy injections
Fear is big business. When it comes to selling 270 million American “sheeple” on getting jabbed up with the most dangerous injections ever invented, fear was the number one “marketing” factor. Once Covid-19 began spreading, the narrative heard around the world was that it was quite deadly and very contagious. The only way to protect […]
By S.D. Wells
Does declaring oneself “transgender” qualify as misinformation?
Is it misinformation or “miss” information, when a biological man puts on a wig, obnoxious makeup, high heel shoes, and claims he’s really a woman? He knows he’s not, and most people who look at him know he’s not, so to pretend that he is a female most likely qualifies as misinformation, or worse yet, […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 8 “WARS” being fought the WRONG WAY by the USA
Americans can appreciate a good cause and will “get behind” it if they think it makes sense. It’s easy if it supports something they believe in and want to help improve, but what if that “support” turns out to do exactly the opposite, by making the problem much worse? The US government needs the majority […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 10 reasons “climate change” is a complete HOAX and Ponzi scheme run by the globalists and DC Democrats
Everyone remembers the first Al Gore world tour promoting fake global warming, talking about how the shorelines of America would all recede as the great glaciers of the world melt and the oceans rise. We heard fibs about the ozone layer and trapped greenhouse gases. Even statistics of the hottest years since 1935 made it […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 7 Democrat, Big Tech and Big Pharma stances that are completely hypocritical by definition
Most Americans support a specific political party because they believe that means certain legislation that the leaders of that party support will help the economy, national security, their lives, their schools, and their businesses improve. That makes perfect sense, but nowadays, it’s “say anything” politics, and then just the opposite happens. Interested in decent schooling […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 10 factors contributing to the COGNITIVE DECLINE of most Americans
Opportunities to thrive in America are still abundant, but the globalists and elitists running the country would like to put an end to all of that by eliminating the entire “middle class” and replacing us all with AI robots and destitute illegal immigrants. To accomplish this sooner than later, the middle class must be dumbed […]
By S.D. Wells
AI systems have “hallucinations” because they are trained and programmed by liberals who think a MAN can become a WOMAN
Artificial intelligence systems, or “AI,” are producing completely unreliable “computations” due to several factors, including false inputs and politically-motivated irregularities that are purposely woven into the systems. Due to all of this, AI systems like ChatGPT are suffering from what is termed “hallucinations,” which are factually incorrect outputs, misinformation, disinformation and other problematic results that […]
By S.D. Wells
WIKIPEDIA SHILL BANNED: Administrative privileges have been removed for co-founder Jimmy Wales due to credibility issues
Most natural health advocates know better than to ever use Wikipedia for any kind of research regarding health. The pharma-run “Wicked-pedia” is known to censor, distort, and outright fabricate lies about natural remedies and natural healers to please Big Pharma and support their narratives. Ironically, Jimmy Wales, one of the founders of the online “encyclopedia,” […]
By S.D. Wells
“Science” achieves CONSENSUS via CENSORSHIP, and Neil DeGrasse Tyson cheers it on
The “science” is always “settled,” except when it’s not. Science is ongoing research that can advance, change, alter, morph, or even be wrong based on some “consensus” that was reached due to favorable evidence at some point in time. The “scientific community” has become nothing short of an authoritarian dictatorship that shoves theories down everyone’s […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 6 most important FALSE NARRATIVES the Biden Regime does NOT want challenged
A narrative is defined as a spoken or written account of connected events, also known as a story. In the news, narratives are often used to justify government actions or events so the populace will support them, but motives for this can be quite insidious, and the narratives themselves are often boldface lies that are […]
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