The grossly deceptive world we live in couldn’t be better exemplified than by conventional medicine. More and more people are …
The measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine controversy started with the 1998 publication of a research paper in the medical …
The boom in sales of raw milk and other raw dairy products countrywide has the U.S. Centers for Disease Control …
Climate change not only affects the environment, but may also adversely impact mental health, according to a collaborative report by …
Fake news, fake science, fake boobs. Doesn’t it feel like we just can’t trust anything anymore? Take, for example, the …
The dairy industry does everything in its power to convince the public that our nutritional needs aren’t met unless we consume our daily share of milk products. The only …
One way or another, global warming is going to get you; at least that’s what the journo-terrorists want you to …
The editors of the Boston Herald recently made tremendous waves by publishing a hit piece on vaccine skepticism, and even going …
It’s sad, but with each passing year, America is becoming an increasingly godless country. According to the Pew Research Center, …
New estimates from Johns Hopkins have suggested that the cost of the so-called Zika virus this year will amount to …
Okay, I’m not the most scientific person on the planet, but even to me, it seems logical and obvious that …
You can always tell when a Leftist is losing an argument. They always resort to false accusations of “isms” as …
All healthy persons six months of age and older should get a routine flu shot, according to the Advisory Committee …
The use of antidepressants during pregnancy is controversial at best. In the past, studies have indicated that using these kinds …