If there’s one thing about me it’s that I do what I say I’m going to do and I don’t …
Unbelievably, even after fired FBI Director James Comey told members of the Senate Intelligence Committee last week that a February …
One of the most under-reported aspects of fired FBI Director James Comey’s much-ballyhooed testimony before the Senate Select Committee on …
Study after study has shown a clear link between vaccines and autism spectrum disorders (ASDs), yet health authorities repeatedly fail …
There were several glaring omissions by the “mainstream media,” as typified in this Associated Press story about former FBI Director …
Once again, CNN has come under fire for doing what they do best as an outlet of fake news: creating …
It just got a lot harder for the extreme Left-wing, Trump-hating “mainstream media” to get away with distortions of the …
The Trump administration has had enough of the “fake news” and media stories that are full of innuendo and allegations …
The so-called “mainstream media” fails Americans so many ways each and every day, it’s difficult to keep track, and one …
Not that it will make any difference whatsoever to the sycophants who read the Washington Post and foolishly believe every …
For nearly a year and, some believe, much longer, the FBI has been investigating alleged “links” and “collusion” between associates …
It’s become very obvious that the discredited Washington media is helping to lead the Deep State establishment effort to overthrow …
The Old Gray Lady is sure getting a lot older these days, especially for millions of Americans who are simply …