Millions of Americans have been awakened to the diabolical falsehoods that proclaim the same mantra over and over; if our carbon output increases, …
In promotion of his latest film, “An Inconvenient Sequel,” former vice president and global warming activist Al Gore is still …
It’s funny how most Americans are completely fooled by the choices we are presented regarding conventional foods. If we are …
Meandering through the latest mainstream media headlines these days, one is hard-pressed to find even a semblance of objective truth …
A new video has begun circulating the internet that claims New York City will soon be under several feet of …
A new documentary film that claims to set the record straight on genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) has been exposed as a …
When lies define the landscape, there are several techniques that can be used to promote said lies, even amid the pushback …
Study after study has shown a clear link between vaccines and autism spectrum disorders (ASDs), yet health authorities repeatedly fail …
The chilling rise of neo-Marxist extremism across America is evident in everything from violent street protests against “hate speech” to …
The measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine controversy started with the 1998 publication of a research paper in the medical …
NPR science correspondent and author of the new book,“Rigor Mortis: How Sloppy Science Creates Worthless Cures, Crushes Hope, and Wastes …
Perhaps the world’s biggest asshat with a superiority complex in all things “science,” charlatan Neil deGrasse Tyson, is on a …
Climate change not only affects the environment, but may also adversely impact mental health, according to a collaborative report by …
Fake news, fake science, fake boobs. Doesn’t it feel like we just can’t trust anything anymore? Take, for example, the …