Ever since the November election the Deep State has been attempting to ‘sell’ the American public on the notion that …
Earlier this year, President Trump took to Twitter and called the mainstream media “the enemy of the American people.” Needless …
After a week in which CNN has been completely outed as fake news propaganda mill and a pair of MSNBC …
CNN, once the leader in cable news, is now the leader in crybully journalism. After fabricating fake news to smear …
Once upon a time, being a journalist meant going out, collecting information, and reporting it to the public in a …
Meandering through the latest mainstream media headlines these days, one is hard-pressed to find even a semblance of objective truth …
CNN continues to be exposed as little more than a Nazi-era propaganda network as yet another top figure admitted that …
Adolph Hitler and the National Socialist Party (Nazis) had Josef Goebbels, the regime’s Reich Minister of Propaganda. Today’s American socialist/Marxists …
There is no question that CNN, by its own deeds, has risen to the top of the fake news industry. …
Shortly after Donald J. Trump had the bad taste to upset the Washington establishment by actually beating Hillary Clinton last …