global warming
By Isabelle Z.
YouTube to add “fact check” propaganda messages to MMR vaccine videos in latest Orwellian attempt to override reality
Not content to stop at banning videos, YouTube has decided to add “fact checks” and quotes to videos on topics that it feels are controversial, and the MMR vaccine is one of them. Last month, the video sharing platform started placing a blurb of text beneath certain videos offering viewers a “scientific” explanation. For example, […]
By Jayson Veley
New York Times retroactively swaps documents to rig climate change article
We have reached a point in America where the intentional spread of misinformation from the mainstream media is almost to be expected. Journalism is dead, and in its place exists an ongoing effort to not only advance the progressive agenda, but also to discredit and delegitimize President Trump. Case in point: The phony, left wing […]
By Ethan Huff
Commercial crabber calls out Al Gore on FAKE SCIENCE, explains sea level hasn’t changed at all since 1970
In promotion of his latest film, “An Inconvenient Sequel,” former vice president and global warming activist Al Gore is still desperately trying to make the case that planet earth is heating up, and that only carbon taxes can fix it. But as per usual, he failed miserably during a recent CNN town hall with Anderson […]
By Ethan Huff
Climate buffoon Al Gore said on national TV that rising ocean levels are already causing fish to be seen “swimming in the streets” of Miami
Climate change magnate and multi-millionaire Al Gore seems to have emerged from the woodwork of his $9 million mansion with a new message for the world: Global warming is already here! He apparently saw it personally during a recent trip to Miami, where an unusual tide event brought water and fish into the streets in […]
By JD Heyes
When PC science and madness meet: Now scientists researching a mental “vaccine” to treat “climate change denial”
They say the truth is stranger than fiction, and in this instance at least, that is exactly right. Because the vast majority of people are rational and don’t believe that human activity is changing weather patterns and warming the planet — after more than four decades of being told planetary devastation from human-caused climatic “change” […]
By Amy Goodrich
Leonardo DiCaprio’s war on carbon is actually a war against all plants, rainforests and ecosystems on the entire planet, warns new video
When you hear the word carbon dioxide or CO2, what’s the first thought that springs to mind? If you are like most people, the answer will be “a pollutant.” For years scientists, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the mainstream media have reported that the leading cause of climate change is heightened levels […]
By Tracey Watson
Latest global warming journo-terrorism scare story: Melting ice will unleash deadly microbes that will wipe out humanity like in a horror movie
One way or another, global warming is going to get you; at least that’s what the journo-terrorists want you to believe. Their latest scare tactic is to terrify the public with the prediction that all that melting ice is going to result in a global pandemic when supposedly eradicated killers like smallpox, preserved for millennia […]
By Mike Adams
GLOBAL COOLING is coming, and we’re all DOOMED, warned NYT, WashPost, TIME, Cal Tech and the entire MSM throughout the 1970s
If you’ve been suckered into believing the false narrative of man-made “global warming” or “climate change,” you’re probably not old enough to remember the global cooling propaganda fear campaign of the 1970s. (Al Gore is counting on the public having a really short memory, by the way, and he hasn’t been disappointed.) Throughout the 1970s, […]
By JD Heyes
Latest global warming scare: CO2 said to set “record” even as latest data show NO warming taking place
As climate activists marched “for science” last week, the anticipated raft of alarmist global warming reporting soon accompanied the event. Scientific American cited data from the Mauna Loa Observatory, which claimed that its latest carbon dioxide reading had risen to its “first-ever” reading “in excess of 410 parts per million,” or, more specifically, 410.28 ppm. […]
By Ethan Huff
Lunatic science conspiracy theory: “Global warming killed the Mayans” 1500 years before the invention of the combustion engine
Some of the conflicts that took place thousands of years ago between opposing nations may have been influenced by the weather, rather than the usual suspects such as resources and religion, claims a new study. Continuing to push the narrative that human existence is somehow destroying the planet, new research published in the journal Quaternary […]
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