ALL POSTS TAGGED WITH mainstream media
05/27/2017 / By JD Heyes

For nearly a year and, some believe, much longer, the FBI has been investigating alleged “links” and “collusion” between associates

05/17/2017 / By JD Heyes

The Drudge Report blared these headlines late Thursday afternoon: “Dems Poll-Test Impeachment,” and “Mueller Appointed Special Counsel.” Aside from the

05/17/2017 / By JD Heyes

On a near-daily basis now, the disruptive, discredited, fake news corporate media breathlessly reports every single thing President Donald J.

05/17/2017 / By News Editors

Some days it’s slow news, some days Chelsea Manning gets released from prison while the CIA-funded Washington Post fans the

05/14/2017 / By Mike Adams

We have now entered the realm of such a complete abandonment of journalistic ethics that mainstream media news outlets now

05/13/2017 / By News Editors

The mainstream U.S. media claims a monopoly on determining truth, despite a very spotty record of getting it right and

05/12/2017 / By Mike Adams

All the mainstream media news you’ve been seeing over the past few days about James Comey and the FBI has

05/05/2017 / By News Editors
Censorship Computer Handcuffs Freedom Internet

The 2016 Presidential election was a gigantic wakeup call for the corporate press in the U.S. not so much because Hillary

04/25/2017 / By News Editors

Did your mother ever use the phrase, “Don’t cut your nose off to spite your face”? If you are unfamiliar

04/04/2017 / By News Editors

The Washington Post quietly rewrote a story about a Congressman using the Bible to bash poor people Friday, after a writer