Adolph Hitler and the National Socialist Party (Nazis) had Josef Goebbels, the regime’s Reich Minister of Propaganda. Today’s American socialist/Marxists …
Shortly after Donald J. Trump had the bad taste to upset the Washington establishment by actually beating Hillary Clinton last …
An explosive report over the weekend in the New York Post appears to tie the Democratic Party to a salacious, …
If the conservative media had talked about, lied about, threatened and spewed the kind of hate toward Barack Obama the …
Since Nov. 9, the day after the presidential election, Americans have been treated to the lie that Donald J. Trump …
Last week President Donald J. Trump tweeted out his disgust over a Washington Post report claiming that “independent” counsel Robert …
There were three bombshells revealed earlier this morning by former FBI Director James Comey during his public testimony before the …
It’s become very obvious that the discredited Washington media is helping to lead the Deep State establishment effort to overthrow …
President Donald J. Trump has had an adversarial relationship with the so-called “mainstream” media, of that there is no doubt. …